Sunday, December 16, 2012

Oatmeal Banana Muffins

2.5 cups of rolled organic oats
1 cup organic vanilla low-fat yogurt 
2 eggs, free range, omega 3 enriched
1/2 cup organic cane sugar
1.5 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 ripe bananas
Coconut oil for coating the muffin pans (added benefit) or you can use foil liners

In the original recipe, C&E called for 3/4 cup of sugar and 1 cup of plain greek yogurt. Since I had on hand, organic low-fat vanilla yogurt, I decreased the amount of sugar from 3/4 cup to 1/2 cup because the yogurt has added sugar. 

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients in a food processor or a high speed machine like Vitamix until oats are smooth. Tip: Add a cup of oats at a time for even blending. 

2. Coat your pans with organic, cold pressed coconut oil or use foil liners (I read that these are preferred over the paper liners on her blog). Divide batter among cupcake pan. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Check them at the 15 minute mark by inserting a toothpick in the center. When it comes out clean, they're done. You don't want to over-bake them. My muffins baked at 15 minutes exact.  

They have a corn bread texture and kind of taste like banana bread but without the use of flour! C&E recommends you eat them when they're warm. Thanks C&E for this recipe!

* This is one of the kitchen appliances I recommend because they are a blender and food processor all-in-one! They can do unlimited things. When buying a new Vitamix from the manufacturer direct, a 7-year warranty accompanies your purchase. I personally use the 5200 Super and I have owned mine for 2.5 years. It comes with a 64 oz container for all cold related foods and a 32 oz container for dry grains.  Learn more about this model and the others here

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Choose, eat, and live well! =)


  1. love this! thanks for the variation ideas! xo

    1. I'm happy you're pleased with the few modifications I made. I shared it on my Facebook page the other day - they liked that it was GF. I recommended even sprinkling some cinnamon on them when they've been warmed before eating. I bet they would taste good dipped in some yogurt, too!
